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Trucker's Guide to When Every State is Reopening

Trucker's Guide to When Every State is Reopening
We understand business owners and drivers don’t have time to sort through all the different news coming out about COVID-19, so TopMark has made a detailed truckers guide to when each state will reopen. Updated regularly, this article will include the newest information on when each and every state plans on lifting or extending their stay at home orders.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has had a massive impact on trucker’s daily routines so we are are here to help out. Check out our COVID-19 Updates section for the latest information as it relates to the trucking industry.


The current stay-at-home order will remain in effect until April 30.
Alabama Governor Ivey said the state needs to expand its testing before resuming normal economic activity despite being eager to get the state’s economy moving.


On April 24th, Alaska allowed businesses and restaurants to open back up in most parts of the state. These personal services and companies must do so under strict health and safety restrictions.
Bigger cities like Anchorage delayed their partial opening until April 27th.
Additionally, Governor Dunleavy has said citizens may visit their doctors and schedule elective surgeries on/after May 4th.


Governor Ducey has announced the stay at home order will continue only until April 30th. The state also will allow elective surgeries to continue starting on May 1st.
On the other hand, Navajo Nation’s government will remain closed until May 17th.


While there is no exact date, Governor Hutchinson has plans to loosen the restrictions on businesses over the next few weeks. This means certain non-essential businesses will be allowed to operate.
Elective surgeries were allowed to continue on April 27th.


CA Governor Gavin Newsome has not announced any official end to the stay at home order. Despite that, the state has allowed the scheduling of important surgeries like heart surgery or cancerous tumor removal.
The state is limiting the issuing of permits for events and activities for the foreseeable future. On April 13th, the Governor announced the Western States Pact with Oregon and Washington. This pact articulates that these 3 states will operate together in their reopening on when it is safe to do so. Nevada and Colorado have also joined this pact.


Colorado’s stay at home order has been replaced with a “safer at home” strategy that started on April 27th. While not mandatory, residents are heavily urged to stay at home as much as possible. High-risk populations have been asked to stay home at all times possible.
Special businesses that offer curbside pick up are now open. Additionally, personal training and dog grooming have been allowed to resume (if they follow social distancing practices). Elective medical procedures have also been allowed to continue.
Governor Polis states that more businesses will be allowed to open in the following weeks. On May 4th, non-essential office work will be allowed to continue. Colorado has also coordinated its re-opening plans with Nevada, California, Oregan, and Washington.


The mandatory state shutdown will continue until May 20th. Governor Lamont has recommended a higher amount of COVID-19 testing before the state can start is opening plans.
Connecticut has joined with New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Deleware, and Massachusettes to coordinate the reopening of the Northeast.


Deleware Governor Carney has extended the statewide stay at home order until May 15th or when the “public health threat is eliminated.” The state has said that opening can start upon seeing a 28 days decline of new COVID-19 cases.
Additionally, the state has joined up with the other states in the Northeast to ensure a safe re-opening and start to their economy. The governor also stated that even if the state reopens, social distancing, hand washing, face covering, and a limit on large gatherings will stay in effect.


The stay at home order for Florida will continue until April 30th. Beaches of Florida are able to reopen if the local leaders have decided it is safe to do so. On the other hand, the Keys will not reopen to visitors or tourism until June or later.


State restrictions were eased starting on April 24th. Businesses like tattoo shops, gyms, bowling alleys, barbers and hair salons, nail salons, and others have been allowed to re-open if they follow safe distancing rules.
Nightclubs and bars are still closed with no clear word on when reopening can continue.


Governor Ige has stated that the stay at home order will last through April 30th and potentially later. Bigger cities like Honolulu have their own independent stay at home order which extends through all of May.


The state of Idaho is currently allowing businesses to operate under certain conditions like curbside pickup, drive-thru/drive-in, or delivery. The state doesn’t have an explicit stay at home order but rather an “Order to Self Isolate” that ends on April 30th. There is no official word on when the full state will open.


Illinois Governor Pritzker has stated the stay at home order will extend to May 30th based on data they have analyzed in the last two months. Some modifications may be made in that time and restrictions lifted depending on testing and tracing initiatives.


Indiana’s current stay at home order ends on May 1st. Governor Holcomb has said that he is going to work with the state hospital association to determine when elective surgeries may continue.


So far, Iowa has not given an official stay at home order. Governor Reynolds did issue a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency in mid-March. This required all nonessential businesses to close until April 30.
On April 27th, the government stated the 77 of Iowa’s 99 counties can begin reopening on May 1st. This includes gyms, restaurants, enclosed malls, and retail stores if they stay at 50% capacity. The remaining 22 counties have higher rates of COVID-19 and will have their closures extend until at least May 15th.


Kansas’ stay at home order is expected to end on May 3rd.
Governor Kelly has said that the state “nowhere near where we need to be with testing supplies,” which could mean the stay at order will be extended. Either way, the state plans to loosen restrictions in a gradual rollout rather than an all at once reopening.


Kentucky Governor Beshear has begun to reopen the health sectors of the state. On April 27, in person, office and ambulance visits were allowed to continue. Additionally, diagnostic, radiology and non-urgent visits are allowed.
The state plans to reopen the state in phases, with restrictions easing each week for a four week period. This reopening plan will begin on May 11th but could be pushed back depending on COVID circumstances.
Additionally, customers and employees will be asked to wear a mask while visiting/working in essential businesses.


Louisiana Governor Edwards has extended the stay at home order until May 15. Despite that, some restrictions have been lifted for nonessential businesses.
On May 1st, retail stores can open under the condition of offering curbside delivery only. Restaurants will also be allowed to offer seats to customers, but there will be no wait staff or table service. Customers are allowed to sit outside and eat at restaurants as long as the mind social distancing rules. Gov. Edwards has also required all workers that are interacting with the public to wear masks.
Despite the easing of restrictions, Edwards says the state is not near where it should be in regards to new cases, hospitalizations, and testing.


Maine issued a “Stay Healthy at Home” executive order that lasts through at least April 30. Additionally, Governor Mills extended the state’s civil state of emergency until May 15.
The state of Maine has joined its neighbors New Hampshire and Vermont on planning their state’s reopening measures


Maryland Governor Hogan outlined a three-stage reopening plan on April 24th. This will allow a gradual reopening of non-essential businesses, gatherings, and public services. Not giving a clear date, the governor stated that the easing of restrictions may begin in early May if COVID-19 hospital cases decline.
The first phase includes allowing certain small businesses to reopen, outdoor gym glasses, recreational activities to continue, and allowing religious gatherings of limited attendance. Certain medical procedures will be allowed to continue as well.
The second phase allows raising the minimum number of people allowed in a gathering, childcare services reopening, indoor gyms, the return of transit schedules, and bars and restaurants reopening under certain conditions.
The last phase allows larger social gatherings in places like religions services, entertainment venues, and dining establishments along with fewer restrictions on nursing homes and hospital visits.


Currently, the state’s emergency order that requires all nonessential business to be closed ends on May 4th. Governor Baker has informed citizens that he and state officials have begun discussing the reopening of the state but there isn’t a clear plan yet.
Before reopening, the state says they need to have more testing, tracing, and quarantine procedures in place.
Massachusetts is actively working with its neighboring Northeastern states to develop a plan to reopen the economy.


Michigan’s stay at home order extends til at least May 15th. Currently, Governor Whitmer has eased restrictions of their COVID-19 response, allowing some businesses to open and outdoor activities to continue.
Most recently, the governor has allowed landscapers, nurseries, lawn service companies, and bike shops to re-open as long as they follow social distancing rules. Additionally, citizens are allowed to travel between houses and visit family members even though it isn’t encouraged.


Minnesota has allowed some businesses to open starting on April 27th. This order allows 80,000 to 100,000 office, industrial, and manufacturing workers to return to their jobs.
Governor Walz has stated that businesses must create and implement a COVID-19 readiness plan that outlines what measures they are taking to protect their worker’s health and safety.


Mississippi “safe at home” executive order will remain for two weeks and expire on the upcoming Monday. Right now, Governor Reeves urgers all citizens to stay home whenever possible. Any at-risk citizens are required to shelter in place.
State officials have also begun relaxing some restrictions on non-essential businesses if they offer curbside delivery, drive-thru, or other delivery options. Other nonessential businesses remained closed for now.


Missouri’s stay at home order lasts until May 3rd. Governor Parson has stated that he is working with hospitals, health officials, and business leaders to develop the state’s reopening plan.
Businesses will be able to open as long as they keep up the six-feet social distancing rules. Additionally, any indoor retail business will be forced to limit its capacity to 25%. The governor has allowed local leaders to determine if their cities and towns need stricter rules.


Montana began reopening on April 26th, allowing individuals and businesses to have fewer restrictions. Retail and street businesses were able to open on April 27th if they follow social distancing practices and limit store capacity. Restaurants and bars can start offering some services after May 4th while businesses like gyms, theaters, and places of large assembly must remain closed.
The state’s travel quarantine will still remain, requiring non-work related out of state travelers to quarantine themselves for 14 days.


Nebraska state officials plan to relax some of their COVID restrictions on May 4th. Nebraska is one of the few states that issued no stay at home order for its citizens.
On May 4th, restaurants will be allowed to let customers inside as long as they operate under 50% of normal capacity. Businesses like salons, barbers, tattoo parlors, and massage centers are limited to 10 people in a store at a time. They are also required to wear face coverings or masks. Churches will also be allowed to continue worship as long as those attending stay 6 feet apart.
All other businesses like bars and theaters are required to stay closed until May 31st.


The current stay at home order is set to expire on April 30th but Governor Sisolak says the state is currently not ready to reopen.
Despite that, Mayors in cities like Las Vegas have been urging for the reopening of Casinos. Currently, there is no set reopening time or plan for casinos or other similar businesses in the state.


New Hampshire’s stay at home order will remain until May 4th but could be extended depending on the circumstances. The current State of Emergency was extended to May 15th by Governor Sununu.


As of now, there is no expiration date to New Jersey’s stay at home order that began on March 21st. Like many other states in the area, New Jersey has teamed up with its Northeastern neighbors like New York and Delaware to develop a plan on when to reopen their economies.


Governor Grishman has extended New Mexico’s stay at home order until May 15th. After that period, there will be a gradual reopening of some businesses if conditions are safe to do so. The governor states that there is “no magical date” for when the state will be safe to reopen all businesses.


One of the hardest-hit states, New York has some of the most detailed plans for COVID 19. Governor Cuomo’s “New York State on PAUSE” executive order was issued on March 22nd. There is no clear end date for New York’s restrictions, but as of now, nonessential businesses are required to stay closed until May 15th.
The state officials have stated the reopening is going to happen in phases once the state meets the federal guidelines that hospitalizations decline for 14 days. The first phase includes construction and manufacturing businesses to continue. The second phase would be implemented by a business-by-business analysis of risk. Governor Cuomo did state that each phase will have a 2 week period between to monitor the results.


North Carolina’s current stay at home order for North Carolina is extended through May 8th.
Governor Cooper has stated the state could open in three phases if COVID-19 cases continue to decrease. Phase one would be that stay at home orders would remain, but some non-essential businesses will be able to open. Phase two includes the lifting of stay at home orders for those not at risk and the reopening of bars, restaurants, and churches under reduced capacity. Phase three would ease the restrictions for at-risk populations and allowed increased attendance at businesses and social gatherings.


North Dakota has stated that many closed businesses may be allowed to open on May 1st. The state is another one of the few places with no explicit stay at home order and only shut down schools, gyms, restaurants, salons, and theaters.
Governor Burgum says that he is going to follow the federal guidelines in deciding to officially reopen the state.


Governor Dewine’s stay at home order currently extends until May 1st. After that, the state will begin its first phases of reopening but do not have any specifics at this time. As of now, large events with big crowds are not expected to open anytime soon.


Oklahoma began lifting restrictions on businesses as early as April 24th. The reopening plan is a three-phase operation that will progress when COVID-19 data tells state officials it is safe to do so.
Restaurants, theaters, gyms, and sporting events will be allowed to open after May 1st if they follow strict social distancing practices. On the other hand, bars will remain closed.


Governor Brown issued an executive order requiring citizens to stay at home and will stay in effect until ended by her. There has been no official word on when the order will end but some restrictions on businesses will be lifted on May 1st.
This will allow hospitals, surgical centers, and medical and dental offices to resume nonemergency procedures as long as they follow safe COVID-19 distancing and sanitation practices.
State officials say more restrictions will not be eased until the state sees the following: a decrease in the growth of active COVID-19 cases, sufficient personal protective equipment available, large open capacity in hospitals, increased testing, tracing and isolating of new cases, and plans on how to protect at-risk communities.


Pennsylvania is set to reopen the state in three phases that begin on May 8th.
The phases, broken down in red, yellow, and green, will be analyzed and remain in the interest of flattening the curve in the state. Recently, Governor Wolf announced that marinas, golf courses, guided fishing trips, and private campgrounds are allowed to reopen on May 1st under the condition that they follow social distancing protocols.
The state has joined with its northeastern neighbors to develop a plan on when it is safe to reopen their economies.


Rhode Island’s current stay at home order extends until May 8th and is actively working on new measures to open parks and beaches.
Governor Raimondo is actively working with neighboring states in the Northeast to develop a collective plan on how they should open their economies.


South Carolina allowed the reopening of some retail stores on April 20th. This included department stores, sporting goods stores, flea markets, businesses that sell books, furniture, music, flowers, clothing, and accessories. This was done under the condition that the businesses remained at 20% regular capacity or 5 people per 1000 square feet.
Governor McMaster’s State of Emergency has been extended until May 12th.


South Dakota never issued an official stay at home order. Governor Noem stated that despite that, the citizens of South Dakota were staying home at greater rates than states that had an active shelter in place order.


Governor Lee has allowed restaurants and retail outlets to open as long as they remain at 50% capacity. Additionally, some state parks have been allowed to return to business as usual. There is no official word on when other businesses will be able to reopen or have restrictions lifted.


Stay at Home orders for Texas currently extend till April 30th. Retail stores, restaurants, malls, theaters, museums, and libraries will be allowed to reopen on May 1st if they limit to 25% of their regular operating capacity.


Utah’s “Stay Safe, Stay Home” directive extends until May 1st. Despite that, all schools will remain closed for the remainder of the year.
The state has not issued an official stay at home mandate, but citizens have been urged to stay at home as much as possible and restaurants are not allowed to have dining rooms operating. Utah is currently developing a plan for how and when further restrictions will be lifted.


Vermont has a similar “Stay Safe, Stay Home” order that extends until May 15th. Governor Scott has also developed a 5 point plan on how to open the state while fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. Phase one of the plan included allowing construction businesses, home appraisers, municipal clerks, and property managers to continue work on April 20th if they followed social distancing measures. Starting on May 1st, farmers' markets will be allowed to open as long as the social distancing guidelines are followed.


The state of Virginia’s stay at home order is effective until June 10th. Reopening the state will be done in a way that focuses on public health, says Governor Northam.
Limiting state restrictions will be done in phases outlined in the “Forward Virginia” blueprint. Steps include continued social distancing, limited public gatherings, the use of masks in public, etc. The state will begin reopening when data and health experts suggest it is safe to do so.


Stay at Home orders in Washington state currently last until May 4th. Additionally, most parks and recreational areas will be allowed to open on May 5th.
Washington has joined California, Oregan, Nevada, and Colorado in the Western States Pact to determine when it is safe to reopen their economies.


Governor Justice has introduced the “Comeback Roadmap” as an outline of how the state will reopen going forward. The plan contains three phases that are broken up into weeks. Week one allows hospitals to start elective medical procedures and also allows the reopening of outpatient healthcare including primary care, dental, mental health, and more. Daycare centers will also be allowed to reopen.
Week two would allow businesses with less than 10 workers to go back to work. Restaurants with outdoor seating could resume service and church and funerals services could start again.
In the third phase, which is a three-week process, includes retail stores, gyms, hotels, spas, casinos, and other businesses to reopen. Additionally, offices and government businesses could return. Each of these phases would include the required temperature checks and mask-wearing.


Governor Evers’ stay at home order extends until May 26th. Restrictions were lifted on certain businesses like libraries, arts and crafts stores, and other places that provided materials needed to make face masks as long as they could provide curbside pickup. Golf courses have also opened around the state.


Another state without an official stay at home order, Wyoming did request a federal disaster declaration on April 9th. Currently, all out of state travelers are required to quarantine themselves for 14 days until April 30th.



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The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (11/6/16)

· 1. Riverwoods-based Center for Enriched Living plans to expand day-care for developmentally-disabled adults into Hoffman Estates, Palatine, Schaumburg (Daily Herald)
· 2. Person injured in late-morning shooting in Elgin (Chicago Tribune/Elgin Courier-News)
· 3. Aurora teen shot during early-morning fight in Oswego (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 4. 17 new headstones for Civil War veterans dedicated at Montgomery's Riverside Cemetery (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 5. Man found shot to death inside Park Forest home (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 6. New Illiana Christian High School to be built near 109th and Calumet avenues in St. John (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 7. Congregations of Merrillville host inaugural first-responders prayer breakfast (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 8. East Chicago Undivided advocacy group formed to provide information, outreach to residents affected by U.S.S. Lead Superfund cleanup site (Chicago Tribune)
· 9. Man accused of stealing scooter from home near Lake Villa; second suspect still at large (ABC 7)
· 10. Lake Forest filmmaker's latest work 'Tommy's Honour' nominated for two British Academy of Film and Television Arts awards (CBS 2)
· 11. Man from unincorporated Antioch charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct after allegedly pounding on garage door and yelling (FOX 32)
· 12. Waukegan cell-phone store robbed at gunpoint (FOX 32)
· 13. Portillo's to open Deerfield location on Nov. 15 (Chicago Tribune/Deerfield Review)
· 14. Iowa Supreme Court rules in favor of casino, against Antioch grandmother, in case over $41 million jackpot; awards her $1.85 (Chicago Tribune)
· 15. Two senior citizens injured after Skokie car crash sends one vehicle into an apartment building, the other into a tree (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 16. Federal appeals court blocks merger of Advocate Health Care, NorthShore University HealthSystem (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 17. Elgin's Art Harvest gives visitors the chance to create their own artworks, learn about public art (Chicago Tribune/Elgin Courier-News)
· 18. Inverness woman found guilty of husband's 1979 murder (Chicago Tribune)
· 19. Des Plaines man surprises girlfriend, both Cubs fans, with marriage proposal after Game 5 of the World Series (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 20. Wheeling brothers held on $50,000 bond each in attempted kidnapping near Prospect Heights grocery store (Daily Herald)
· 21. Executive director of Wheaton-based People's Resource Agency leaving job for post at Evanston-based The Cradle (Daily Herald)
· 22. LaFox man charged in South Elgin with fifth DUI offense (Daily Herald)
· 23. COLUMN: Hammond couple frustrated that no charges filed against babysitter in their child's death, which was ruled to have been caused by non-accidental brain trauma (Chicago Tribune/Post-Tribune)
· 24. Hammond backs down on basin-expansion plan that would have knocked down 21 additional homes along Linden Avenue (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 25. Gary man sentenced to six years in prison for armed robbery (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 26. Indiana University study shows strong opposition to charging drivers by the mileage they drive (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 27. Owner of Michigan City hotel pleads guilty to using unauthorized pesticides he illegally obtained from India to kill bedbugs (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 28. South Bend woman charged with disorderly conduct for cursing at police, not following orders while police investigated report of gunshot at party in a warehouse (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 29. Proponents, opponents air their feelings about proposed Cook County soda tax (ABC 7)
· 30. Tenants of Lake Villa business park, nearby building owner oppose funeral/crematory proposal (Daily Herald)
· 31. 18 months after completion, Woodfield Apartments in Deerfield sold for $82 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 32. Chicago teen and woman charged with attacking man outside Palatine apartment complex, stealing his cell phone (Daily Herald)
· 33. TV show by Mount Prospect native and former 'The Eric & Kathy Show' social-media guru, titled 'The Jamz,' to debut on Netflix, Amazon Prime (Daily Herald)
· 34. Neighbors' objections, tie vote kills proposed Bartlett wedding venue (Daily Herald)
· 35. Park Ridge City Council may adopt new food-inspection standards effective Jan. 1, 2017 (Chicago Tribune/Park Ridge Herald-Advocate)
· 36. Arlington Heights proposes $180.35 million budget along with small hike in property-tax levy (Daily Herald)
· 37. Two girls injured during fight at Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire; no charges filed, though fight is under investigation (Daily Herald)
· 38. Former West Aurora High School, Northern Illinois University basketball coach John McDougal passes away at 92 (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 39. Three Aurora men charged with felony theft after taking sheets of metal from North Aurora business (Daily Herald)
· 40. Artist's 'Authenticity' in downtown Naperville features photo portraits (Daily Herald)
· 41. Sears to cut size of Oakbrook Center store by half by spring 2018; location to have more focused inventory (Chicago Tribune)
· 42. DuPage County Coroner's Office identifies woman found dead Sept. 29 at Bensenville golf course as resident of unincorporated Melrose Park (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 43. Wheaton College breaks ground on new welcome center (Daily Herald)
· 44. Lighter sparks Joliet house fire that kills 88-year-old man (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 45. Matteson man killed in head-on crash on I-57 near Country Club Hills after his vehicle crossed the median (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 46. Tire blowout causes semi to overturn on Harlem Avenue in Bridgeview (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 47. Park Forest man arrested in vehicle burglary at Calumet Metra station parking lot in East Hazel Crest (CBS 2)
· 48. 55 vehicles spray-painted by vandals on Halloween night in Michigan City (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 49. Valparaiso Human Relations Council seeks creation of full-time housing/community-relations director position (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 50. Lake County sees six heroin-overdose deaths in one week, a spike in normal numbers (WBBM AM 780)
· 51. Highland woman found unconscious at scene of garage fire in Highland dies (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 52. East Chicago man grazed by bullet that flew through his bedroom window (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 53. Valparaiso man arrested in Hobart on child-porn charges (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 54. Reinstated Lake Station cop sues city, former mayor for lost wages, determination that the plaintiffs violated federal law (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 55. Reputed gang member pleads guilty to participation in racketeering, homicide outside Hammond bar (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 56. Libertyville-Vernon Hills Area High School District 128 board reaches informal agreement on new pool for Libertyville High School (Daily Herald)
· 57. Skokie Animal Control reunites cat with owner from St. Louis area (WBBM AM 780)
· 58. Homeless man charged with Oct. 22 murder in Waukegan previously charged with attempted murder in 2011 in North Chicago (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 59. Lake County reaches agreement with IDOT to plow, salt 107 miles of state roads for $268,463, paid in two parts (Daily Herald)
· 60. Carpentersville, West Dundee police department investigate robbery, burglaries at Spring Hill Mall (Daily Herald)
· 61. U.S. Supreme Court hearing of Virginia transgender students' lawsuit to get access to preferred-gender locker rooms may set precedent for Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 (Daily Herald)
· 62. Revamped West Dundee movie theater slated to reopen as live-entertainment venue in 2017 (Daily Herald)
· 63. Two Florida men arrested on charges of burglarizing 29 cars in Mount Prospect (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 64. Schaumburg police arrest two men after tires on 30 cars were slashed at office buildings near Woodfield Mall (Daily Herald)
· 65. West Chicago couple charged with 2015 drug-induced homicide (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 66. Robert O'Connor sworn in as Aurora's new mayor, after Tom Weisner resigns because of health (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 67. Sycamore man sentenced to three years in prison for burglarizing same Naperville medical building twice in two years (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 68. Longtime Naperville police officer sworn in as Woodridge police chief (Daily Herald)
· 67. New Jersey woman to be extradited to DuPage County to face charge of drug-induced homicide after friend died in Darien hotel (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 68. Campton Hills man charged with raping girl during a three-year period (Daily Herald)
· 69. Autopsy reveals Oak Park man was shot five times by Markham police on Oct. 2 outside Stadium Nightclub (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 70. La Grange man dead after his car crashes into two utility poles in Western Springs (Chicago Tribune/The Doings)
· 71. Victim of Oct. 22 crash on I-294 near Robbins identified as Kentucky resident (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 72. Provident Catholic High School baseball player with 0.500 batting average bears striking resemblance to Cubs' Kyle Schwarber (ABC 7)
· 73. Wife of disgraced Cook County sheriff's deputy charged in drug conspiracy sues federal government over husband's suicide at Metropolitan Correctional Center (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 74. Chance meeting with Bill Murray gets Munster woman front-row seat to World Series Game 6 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 75. Portage police seek suspect in bank robbery who escaped in a black Dodge Charger (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 76. Chicago man found guilty of kidnapping, sexually assaulting 3-year-old Mundelein girl (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 77. Three juveniles arrested, one at large after police chase ends on Evanston beach; all were sought for armed robbery (NBC 5)
· 78. Person shot in Elgin on Wednesday evening (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 79. Gail Borden Public Library board to purchase building which contains its South Elgin branch, plans expansion in a few years (Daily Herald)
· 80. Former cable-company technician/aspiring rapper sentenced to 12 years in prison for stealing gun from Palatine home (Daily Herald)
· 81. Arlington Heights man charged with sexual abuse of two sisters (Daily Herald)
· 82. Two men arrested after allegedly assaulting, robbing man at gunpoint in Woodstock (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 83. Elgin set to raise water rates, from average of $35 to average of $40, more than 14 percent increase (Daily Herald)
· 84. Mount Prospect teen charged with reckless discharge of a weapon after firing AR 15 rifle into the ground to celebrate Cubs' win (Daily Herald)
· 85. Streamwood gang member charged with firing gun into another vehicle while driving near Streamwood High School (Daily Herald)
· 86. Des Plaines' Polo Inn, originally built at northwest suburbs' first hospital, being torn down (Daily Herald)
· 87. Forest Preserve District of DuPage County starts new approach to compensating departing employees; move could save county $6 million over 20 years (Daily Herald)
· 88. Glenbard High School District 87 board considers mid-August start date (Daily Herald)
· 89. United Sugar shows off dome that will house 138 million pounds of sugar in Montgomery (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 90. Town of Griffith to fight lawsuit filed by Calumet Township trustee to block Dec. 20 de-annexation referendum (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 91. Elderly Hammond couple robbed during home invasion (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 92. Ex-Prairie Grove cop cleared of official misconduct, DUI charges stemming from eggnog-fueled crash of police vehicle (Chicago Tribune)
· 93. Northwestern University reports 1.9 percent growth in investment portfolio, except that its numbers aren't based on the June 30 deadline other privately endowed colleges (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 94. Chicago's official Christmas tree donated by Wauconda family (NBC 5)
· 95. Local bike club's plea doesn't sway Mount Prospect's decision to remove 'ghost bike' memorial (Daily Herald)
· 96. Mount Prospect's RecPlex celebrating 25th anniversary (Daily Herald)
· 97. NTSB: Plane that caught fire Oct. 28 at O'Hare Airport had engine disk break apart (CBS 2)
· 98. 5-month-old girl killed in Barrington Hills vehicle crash that itself was caused by another crash (FOX 32)
· 99. Arlington Heights police investigate man trying to take photos with a cell-phone camera in office-building women's restroom (Chicago Tribune/Arlington Heights Post)
· 100. Man charged with aggravated sexual abuse of a minor after touching teen relative's breast in Park Ridge (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 101. Naperville elementary school celebrates Cubs' World Series win with great-great-granddaughter of 1908 Cubs catcher (Daily Herald)
· 102. New Water Street parking deck offers 400 more parking spaces in downtown Naperville (Daily Herald)
· 103. Man convicted of killing owner of Westmont business at former boss' Peotone-area home during second trial (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 104. Elmwood Park, Chicago men taken to hospital after driver loses control of car, which crosses three lanes of traffic on I-55 and crashes into a tree south of Route 126 (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 105. Valparaiso officials inaugurate new path that connects neighborhoods (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 106. Hammond man convicted of impersonated doctor at Chicago clinic (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 107. Civil-rights deal gives residents of East Chicago's West Calumet Housing Complex more time to move (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 108. State suspends Bloomingdale real estate agent's license, faces criminal charges after allegedly stealing jewelry from houses she showed in Palatine, Wheaton (Daily Herald)
· 109. Federal judge rules Illiana Expressway approval was based on flawed, invalid environmental study; decision allows Illinois, Indiana DOTs to revise study, continue project (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 110. Evanston, team up to raise money to replace trees taken down because of emerald-ash borer (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
· 111. Gurnee-based Six Flags Great America wins bet with Cleveland theme park, which will rename ride for World Series champion Cubs (NBC 5)
· 112. Arlington Heights church gets high-tech skylight designed to change color to control temperature and lighting (Daily Herald)
· 113. Elgin man convicted of selling synthetic marijuana out of his Algonquin tobacco store in 2013 (Daily Herald)
· 114. Metra train strikes pedestrian in Palatine (CBS 2)
· 115. Cicero police officer fires gun at escaping presumed drunk driver after being hit by car (FOX 32)
· 116. St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 parents push referendum petition that could mean new middle school or no changes to current buildings (Daily Herald)
· 117. Joliet man sentenced to 105 years for robbing and killing drug dealer in Aurora (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 118. TCF Bank branch in Lombard robbed on Saturday morning (CBS 2)
· 119. FBI investigating attempted bank robbery in Villa Park (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 120. Married couple found stabbed to death in Montgomery home (CBS 2)
· 121. Decision not to demolish Merrillville's Star Plaza Theatre may have saved Northwest Indiana Symphony (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 122. Valparaiso teen wins North American League Low JunioAmateur Owner Final, her first national championship (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 123. Hobart High Brickies win sectional title in 19 years (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 124. Gary man killed after his car veered off I-65, slammed into utility pole near Crown Point (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 125. Person found shot to death in Gary (CBS 2)
· 126. South Haven firefighteEMT terminated for July 13 racist post on Facebook (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 127. Record-breaking 29,968 people cast votes in Cook County on Friday; countywide early-voting totals up to 264,343 (ABC 7)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (10/2/16)

· 1. Pickup truck crashes into Round Lake house; no injuries reported (ABC 7)
· 2. Mundelein man killed in shooting near University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus; three other people injured (Chicago Tribune)
· 3. 67-year-old woman in critical condition after apparently falling off pier in Evanston (Chicago Tribune)
· 4. Five teens hospitalized after overdosing on Xanax, drinking alcohol at party in Tower Lakes (NBC 5)
· 5. Woman dies after her car veered off the road and struck a tree in Wadsworth (Chicago Tribune)
· 6. Man stabbed outside Ingleside bar; undergoes surgery for non-life-threating wound (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 7. Judson University becomes first Christian college in Illinois to offer classes for students with intellectual disabilities (ABC 7)
· 8. Inaugural Kickstand Classic bicycle race rolls through downtown Bartlett (Daily Herald)
· 9. Naperville student's anti-cyberbullying app lands $100,000 investment on 'Shark Tank' (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 10. Glen Ellyn Historical Society's Tavern Day teaches community lessons about the 1840s (Daily Herald)
· 11. Nordstrom Rack officially opens at Rosemont's Fashion Outlets of Chicago (Daily Herald)
· 12. Park Forest woman killed in crash on I-80 in Frankfort Township (CBS 2)
· 13. Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority, South Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau talk about need for convention center in wake of decision to demolish Star Plaza complex in Merillville (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 14. Westville motorcyclist struck and killed by minivan that ran a stop sign (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 15. Questions linger as East Chicago Housing Authority prepares to move 1,000 people out of West Calumet Housing Complex (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 16. Homeless man's body discovered in woods in Valparaiso (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 17. Work begins on new subdivision near Valparaiso elementary school (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 18. Construction of flood-relief project in Hobart could start after new 3rd Street bridge is completed (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 19. St. John to raise sewer rates 10 percent to buy larger portion of capacity at Schererville water-treatment plant (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 20. Portage police, fire station openings to have chain of handcuffs, fire hose in place of ribbons (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 21. Michigan City to take residents' input online about parks master plan (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 22. Niles grandfather sues 13-year-old grandson over grandmother's death after she was struck by a vehicle she'd given grandson the keys to in order to shift the gear (CBS 2)
· 23. Former owner of Walgreens Charles R. Walgreen III dies at age 80 at his Lake Forest home (Chicago Tribune)
· 24. Gun-control advocates converge on downtown Glencoe, urging shop owners to put up 'no guns' stickers (Chicago Tribune/Northbrook Star)
· 25. Mount Prospect's Jelly Café steps up to help after waitress' son has near-fatal brain hemorrhage (Daily Herald)
· 26. Proponents of charter school for at-risk kids in Elgin Area Unit School District U-46 revive proposal, with hopes of getting federal funds (Daily Herald)
· 27. Body of man found dead in burning vehicle in Chicago identified as Barrington Hills man, co-owner of Elgin-based Omega Demolition (WGN TV)
· 28. Electric fire at Union Station in Chicago forces cancellation of train on Milwaukee District West Line (FOX 32)
· 29. Arlington Heights Memorial Library board still discussing possibility of north branch, but no decision has yet been made (Daily Herald)
· 30. Elgin man sentenced to 87 days in jail, 30 months probation, $654 in fines for intentionally striking an acquaintence with his car (Daily Herald)
· 31. Des Plaines City Council considering $1,000 limit or complete ban on campaign contributions from companies that do business with the city (Daily Herald)
· 32. 793 people participate in Walk Against Alzheimer's at Busse Woods in Elk Grove Village (Daily Herald)
· 33. Oak Brook man becomes second in U.S. to undergo aortic-valve replacement surgery (Daily Herald)
· 34. 15-year-old Lombard student dies after apparently choking on food in Villa Park high school cafeteria (CBS 2)
· 35. Chicago gang member with numerous weapons offenses charged with murder of Berwyn man following shooting near Millennium Park (NBC 5)
· 36. Bloomingdale woman pleads guilty to stealing more than $10,000 from school PTO's bank account to pay personal expenses (Chicago Tribune)
· 37. West Chicago City Council appoints new 6th Ward alderman (Daily Herald)
· 38. Woman killed, brother and daughter wounded in shooting along Washington Street in Joliet (Chicago Tribune)
· 39. Illinois State Museum's Lockport Gallery reopens as state funding starts to flow again (Chicago Tribune)
· 40. Montgomery teen held on weapons, traffic violations found hanging in LaSalle County Jail (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 41. Riverdale man charged with robbing Matteson bank on Friday, Sept. 23 (CBS 2)
· 42. Man shot, wounded by Hammond police officer after allegedly pointing shotgun at police investigating report of shots fired in home (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
· 43. Police: Speed a factor in car crash that claimed life of Michigan City man, injured passenger (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 44. More than half the $36,000 cost raised for bronze police-officer statue that will stand in front of Michigan City Police Station (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 45. Three Chicagoans and a woman from Pennsylvania charged in theft of laptop from Crown Point tattoo parlor (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 46. Lake County Council approves $161.6 million budget, which includes pay raises for elected officials and county employees (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 47. Burns Harbor man arrested after crashing van into liquor store and injuring store employee; four other people arrested at nearby motel where an underage-drinking party took place (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 48. Video helps police track down alleged drunk driver from Union Mills (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 49. Some suburban school districts are giving tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses to retired teachers and administrators, despite state law limiting such payments (Chicago Tribune)
· 50. Lake County member of Metra board of directors likely to replace current chairman when current term expires on Nov. 2 (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 51. Northwestern University officials to review concerns over dorm proposal, other options (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
· 52. Blue Island man found dead in field near strip mall along Golf Road in Niles (Chicago Tribune/Niles Herald-Spectator)
· 53. Evanston Post Office renamed for former Congressman, judge Abner J. Mikva (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
· 54. Experts discuss living near coyotes (Chicago Tribune/Lake Forester)
· 55. Libertyville reviewing proposal for large new subdivision on University of St. Mary of the Lake property (Daily Herald)
· 56. Skokie man gets 2 years probation, must register as a sex offender for 10 years for sexually abusing teenage girl he called his 'girlfriend' (Daily Herald)
· 57. Early-morning truck fire causes major delays on Tri-State Tollway near Dundee Road in Northbrook (ABC 7)
· 58. Parents in Elgin Area Unit School District U-46 cheer and jeer school board over transgender locker-room policy (Daily Herald)
· 59. Hanover Park man sentenced to four years in prison for Streamwood burglary (Daily Herald)
· 60. Some Hoffman Estates schools locked down after report of armed person at large following intentional car crash on Kent Road (Daily Herald)
· 61. Bodies of deceased veterans that go unclaimed being left in Hines V.A. Hospital morgue for months, according to a whistleblower (CBS 2)
· 62. Woman dies of injuries one day after car crash in Maywood (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 63. Suspect in three bank robberies in DuPage County apprehended following Warrenville heist on Monday (Daily Herald)
· 64. Warrenville, DuPage County officials hail completion of flood-control projects (Daily Herald)
· 65. Operator of Homer Glen tobacco shop charged with defrauding Illinois of more than $400,000 in sales taxes (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 66. Lansing man killed in shooting on Chicago's South Side (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 67. Two of three suspects arrested in Michigan City in theft of box trucks and tires (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 68. Bunker Hill man facing charges after striking two pedestrians in Hammond (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 69. Merrillville man sentenced to five years in prison as part of plea deal for breaking into Indiana University Northwest building in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 70. 16 houses, five apartment buildings to be torn down to make way for stormwater detention pond in Hammond (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 71. United Foundation of LaPorte County deeds Unity Park to City of LaPorte (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 72. Hobart's Southlake Mall to be home to Porkchop restaurant, La Senza lingerie store, Jimmy Jazz streetwear retailer (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 73. Warrant issued for arrest of man who shot Mundelein resident to death in downstate Champaign (WGN TV)
· 74. Knife-wielding man robs business in Norridge after hitting two Chicago stores (CBS 2)
· 75. Eight schools in Buffalo Grove, Deerfield, Green Oaks, Lincolnshire, Long Grove awarded National Blue Ribbon status (Daily Herald)
· 76. Village of Mount Prospect, chamber of commerce, library, Downtown Merchants Association receive bronze star for entrepreneurs initiative (Daily Herald)
· 77. Palatine man who pleaded guilty to fourth DUI sentenced to four years in prison following June 13 crash (Daily Herald)
· 78. Schaumburg Village Board approves purchase of office buildings to make way for new entertainment district (Daily Herald)
· 79. Woman charged with unlawfully buying and selling guns, some of which ended up in hands of Chicago gang members, for profit (CBS 2)
· 80. Three Barrington elementary schools recognized with National Blue Ribbon School awards (Daily Herald)
· 81. 12-year-old persuades West Dundee officials to consider preserving historic pump house (Daily Herald)
· 82. Man robs U.S. Bank branch in Wood Dale (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 83. Kane County Forest Preserve Board expects to end tax-levy freeze in 2017, as revenues decline (Daily Herald)
· 84. Warrenville-based Two Brothers Brewing opens The Craftsman, a three-floor bakery/café/juice badeli/market/restaurant, with cocktail bar coming soon in Naperville (Chicago Tribune)
· 85. Elk Grove Village, public-works union sign off on 5-year contract, which includes raises from 2 to 2.5 percent (Daily Herald)
· 86. Kennedy Junior High School in Lisle named National Blue Ribbon School for third time in its history (Daily Herald)
· 87. Attorneys say police unlawfully searched cell phone of Naperville graffiti artist known for 'Simpsons' art (Daily Herald)
· 88. Skokie man charged with armed robbery of Plainfield Target store on Aug. 28 (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 89. Oswego-based Community School District 308 to repay $1.5 million in state aid because daily attendance figures were off by 243 students (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 90. Fire destroys abandoned Harvey house (ABC 7)
· 91. Parent company of Horseshoe Casino in Hammond reaches deal to exit Chapter 11 bankruptcy (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 92. Konrady Plastics to hire 14 new workers following expansion that will nearly double its Portage factory (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 93. Merrillville police officer strikes pedestrian with vehicle while on patrol (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 94. Ex-Lake Station mayor sentenced to four years in prison, repay $26,755 for using campaign, food-pantry funds to gamble; wife sentenced to two years in prison (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 95. Merrillville surgeon facing charge of battery for striking an assistant with medical instruments at Hobart hospital (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 96. Portage man accused of beating woman collecting boyfriend's $500 debt (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 97. Man seriously wounded in East Chicago shooting (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 98. Cook County Health Department reports three deaths from West Nile virus, only such deaths in Illinois so far during 2016 (FOX 32)
· 99. Rusty patch bumblebee may be placed on endangered-species list (CBS 2)
· 100. Mundelein woman pleads guilty to sexually assaulting music student at Webster Middle School in Waukegan, sentenced to 14 years in prison (Daily Herald)
· 101. Mundelein High School District 120 ends block scheduling; new bell schedule to begin with 2017-18 school year (Daily Herald)
· 102. Chicago man sentenced to five years in jail for 2015 stabbing inside Skokie bar (Chicago Tribune/Skokie Review)
· 103. Family, supporters of Housing Opportunity Development Corp. president who died in 2013 for opening of afforable-housing complex in Glenview (Chicago Tribune/Glenview Announcements)
· 104. Employees of Riverwoods-based Discovery Financial Services and KaBOOM! build playgrounds in Park City, Zion (Daily Herald)
· 105. Evanston woman charged with felony disorderly conduct for sending profanity-laced letter with 'granular substance' in envelope to Illinois Tollway Authority (NBC 5)
· 106. Bartlett village president to seek re-election to second term (Daily Herald)
· 107. Woman's body found at Bensenville golf course; authorities believe she was killed near Melrose Park (Chicago Tribune)
· 108. Ford donates $10,000 to Hoffman Estates-based GiGi's Playhouse on The Steve Harvey Show (Daily Herald)
· 109. D'licious Crepes and Roti in Bartlett gets liquor license (Daily Herald)
· 110. Video causes stir in controversial plan to close Palatine's oldest elementary school and build two new buildings (Daily Herald)
· 111. Jury deems 63-year-old Hillside man 'sexually violent' (CBS 2)
· 112. Illinois auditor general releases College of DuPage audit, recommends 19 ideas to improve oversight, operations and transparency (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 113. Addison man sentenced to 10 years in prison for possessing child porn (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 114. Former Calamos Investments employee sues Naperville-based asset manager, claiming he was fired for telling top execs about 'imminent risks' to the company (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 115. Supporters, opponents of Donald Trump clash outside GOP presidential candidate's fundraiser in Bolingbrook (Chicago Tribune)
· 116. Lincoln-Way High School District 210 teachers-union president calls for hiring of full-time compliance officer (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 117. Munster-based startup Sonam Technologies creates device that assesses concussion risk on playgrounds, athletic fields (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 118. Chicago man pleads guilty to armed robbery of St. John store (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 119. Indiana Congressman introduces legislation to turn Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore into national park (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 120. Guns taken during burglary at Griffith sporting-goods store (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 121. Crown Point teen walking around in clown mask apparently spooks neighbors, who call police (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 122. Portage begins $2.1 million in paving projects (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 123. RNC rolls out Gigabit Internet service in Chicago area (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 124. Cook County State's Attorney's Office drops perjury case against four police officers, including one Glenview cop, after attorney alleges charges were under out-of-date law (Chicago Tribune)
· 125. Lake County judge removes former Woodland Elementary School District 50 board member from lawsuit over her husband's company getting contract for athletic uniforms, school-spirit wear (Daily Herald)
· 126. Man sought for shooting death of Mundelein man in Champaign turns himself in to police (Daily Herald)
· 127. Judge lets guilty verdict stand against worker from Lincolnshire daycare center in death of Deerfield toddler (Chicago Tribune)
· 128. Fox Lake man charged with burglary, theft, electronic telephone harassment after threatening to kill a police officer (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 129. Winnekta man indicted on commodities, wire fraud charges for having falsely inflated value of options, costing now-defunct Rock Capital Markets $13 million (Chicago Tribune)
· 130. Waukegan man charged with sending inappropriate text to teenage girl while working as bus aid for Illinois Central Bus Company (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 131. Emmons Elementary School District 33, Grass Lake Elementary School District 36 to explore consolidation of one-school districts in Antioch area (Daily Herald)
· 132. New York-based Mrs. Green's Neighborhood Market to close Winnekta location on Oct. 16 (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 133. Bennison's Bakery in Evanston tracking sales of U.S. presidential candidate-inspired sweets (CBS 2)
· 134. Fox River Grove resident Richard Trentlage, who wrote the classic Oscar Mayer jingle, passes away at 87 (ABC 7)
· 135. Rolling Meadows Mayor Tom Rooney sworn in as state Senator for Illinois' 27th District (Daily Herald)
· 136. Boston Fish Market looking at possible location in Wheeling (Daily Herald)
· 137. Joliet man sentenced to 25 years in prison for 2014 murder during drug deal in Aurora (CBS2)
· 138. Naperville golf club remembers course designer and golf legend Arnold Palmer, who passed away this week at 87 (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 139. Elderly woman killed in car crash as she exited Countryside bowling alley's parking lot onto Joliet Road (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 140. Two people in custody in stabbing death of Melrose Park woman whose body was found at Bensenville golf course (Chicago Tribune)
· 141. Ex-Aurora priest pleads not guilty to charges he sexually abused two children over three years (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 142. Downtown Wheaton Association to have Witches of Wheaton event on Thursday, Oct. 15, with drinks and promotions for women (Daily Herald)
· 143. National Research Center to mail citizen surveys to 3,000 randomly selected Lombard residents during mid-October (Daily Herald)
· 144. Teen from Calumet City/Lansing area shot to death on first day of school in Chicago (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 145. Surveillance camera catches man trying to abduct woman in Harvey (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 146. Judge issues guilty verdict in 5-year-old DUI/reckless-homicide case involving an accident that killed a man and maimed his wife in Matteson (ABC 7)
· 147. Portage Board of Works declares emergency to expedite walkway repairs along Burns Waterway (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 148. Crown Point working to eliminate triple-billing for hydrants in Prairie View subdivision (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 149. Two men sought in armed robbery of East Chicago Dollar General (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 150. Police classify Hobart man's train death in Lake Station as suicide (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 151. U.S. EPA scheduled to begin East Chicago lead cleanup on Sunday (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 152. Positive-train control still a challenge for Metra (CBS 2)
· 153. Legal Roundup: Naperville teen charged with forgery for sending out phony Illinois Tollway violation notices (Daily Herald)
· 154. Fremd High School football players help wheelchair-bound coach/Navy veteran stand for national anthem at Friday night's game (NBC 5)
· 155. Man found guilty but mentally ill in brutal beating and murder of Island Lake woman in 2014 (Chicago Tribune)
· 156. Elk Grove Village woman charged driving in violation of a restriction, improper passing of a vehicle dropped at a crosswalk in June 10 crash that killed bicyclist in Mount Prospect (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 157. Students with Down syndrome crowned Homecoming king and queen at Barrington High School (NBC 5)
· 158. Randall Oaks Zoo in West Dundee celebrating autumn through Oct. 30 (Daily Herald)
· 159. Boyfriend charged in stabbing death of woman whose body was found at Bensenville golf course (CBS 2)
· 160. Huffing chemicals may be responsible for Blue Island man's death near Niles strip mall (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 161. Sunnybrook Elementary School District 171 reports zero detentions, suspensions since beginning of school year (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 162. Toxic heroin additive found in Will County (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 163. Valparaiso man killed while working at Gary Works steel mill (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 164. Tri-Creek School Corp. board makes moves on bond issues to save $1.8 million (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 165. City of Portage transfers former Crisman school property to Redevelopment Commission in hopes of selling, redeveloping it (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 166. NIPSCO offers no explanation for power outage affecting 931 Munster customers on Friday (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 167. Porter County implements stormwater fees to help fund improvements to reduce flooding, drainage concerns (Northwest Indiana Times)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (9/11/16)

· 1. Two marine unit deputies injured on Petite Lake when their boat was struck by another driven by a Lindenhurst woman near Fox Lake (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 2. Two Buffalo Grove teens born in Israel return to serve in Israeli armed forces (Daily Herald)
· 3. Spring Grove couple killed in car crash on South Solon Road near Spring Grove (Chicago Tribune)
· 4. Highland officials await dollar figure on renovation of 70-year-old Town Theatre (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 5. Hebron couple now fighting town over expanded pond; official who gave them permission has been fired (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 6. Walgreens partners with First Ladies Health Initiative to offer health screenings across Chicago area on Sunday, Sept. 11, including 10 churches in the suburbs (ABC 7)
· 7. Round Lake woman arrested for attempting to rob Grayslake credit union (Daily Herald)
· 8. Service dog from Great Lakes Naval Station in North Chicago is finalist in American Hero Dog competition (ABC 7)
· 9. Illinois General Assembly trying to pass bill to deny pension to survivors of anyone convicted of felony related to public service, prompted by Joe Gliniewicz case (Northwest Herald)
· 10. Chicago Police: Lombard woman who died after being pulled out of Chicago River committed suicide (CBS 2)
· 11. Cab driver arrested for DUI caught urinating on his own taxi in Cicero (FOX 32)
· 12. Man shot to death, two others injured in Aurora after leaving a child's birthday party (NBC 5)
· 13. Texas man killed, driver critically injured in single-car crash on I-294 near Hickory Hills (Chicago Tribune)
· 14. Women's soccer star kneels during National Anthem before Chicago Red Stars game at Toyota Park in Bridgeview (WGN TV)
· 15. Bicyclists shot multiple times in Harvey (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 16. Farmers see threat of damage to harvests because of heavy August rains (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 17. Girl dies as result of fire in Lake Station (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 18. Lake County Sheriff's Office's saturation patrols, checkpoint during August net 6 DUIs, 38 drug/warrant arrests, one habitual-traffic violator arrest (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 19. Valparaiso sex offender facing new charge after luring boy to his home, giving the child drugs and alcohol and performing a sex act on him while dressed as a woman (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 20. Proposed Luke Family of Brands headquarters removed from consideration in Hobart; city manager says it's because of a lack of communication (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 21. St. John to apply for matching funds to repave streets; Town Council also agrees to work with Lake County on repaving Calumet Avenue (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 22. Grayslake puts together $350,000 tax incentive to lure Goose Island pub to its downtown (Daily Herald)
· 23. Granddaughter of Long Grove businesswoman opens branch of her own business across the street from grandmother's former shop (Daily Herald)
· 24. Two Waukegan cell-phone stores robbed over Labor Day weekend, like by same man (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 25. U.S. Rep. Bob Dold (R-Illinois), Democrat Brad Schneider to debate at eight candidate forums across 10th Congressional District (Daily Herald)
· 26. Elgin store robbed at gunpoint (CBS 2)
· 27. Elgin Area Unit School District U-46 puts transgender policy into place, allowing middle-schooler access to locker room of student's identifying gender (Daily Herald)
· 28. Man fleeing from multi-vehicle accident struck and killed on Lake Street in Bartlett (Chicago Tribune/Elgin Courier-News)
· 29. Gunfire reported outside restaurant on Mannheim Road in Des Plaines (Daily Herald)
· 30. Elk Grove Village police officer resigns, faced disciplinary action for writing 13 warning tickets between January and April 2016 for stops that never occurred (Daily Herald)
· 31. St. Charles' Arcada Theatre celebrates 90th anniversary (Daily Herald)
· 32. Oak Brook to hire consultant that worked on 2007 Commercial Areas Revitalization Plan to help redevelop McDonald's Corp. headquarters property (Chicago Tribune/The Doings)
· 33. Oak Park middle-school teacher a finalist for Illinois Teacher of the Year (Chicago Tribune/Oak Leaves)
· 34. Kane County coroner, DuKane A.B.A.T.E. team up to figure out why there have been so many motorcycle-related deaths in 2016, come up with preventive measure (Chicago Tribune)
· 35. Bensenville motorcyclist killed in Chicago crash (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 36. Volkswagen subsidiary buys $256 million stake in Lisle-based Navistar (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 37. Fitch Ratings downgrades DuPage County's debt to AA+, citing 'limited revenue flexibility and slow revenue growth prospects' (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 38. Pitbulls euthanized following two separate attacks in Riverside (WBBM AM 780)
· 39. Millbrook man charged with failure to register his address as a sex offender (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 40. Dallas-based Hillwood real-estate development company starts construction of warehouse in Joliet, even though there no leases have been signed (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 41. Metra Electric and South Shore Line trains delayed after power problems (ABC 7)
· 42. Indiana-based Franciscan Alliance to remove saints from their names; Chicago Heights facility to be named Franciscan Health Chicago Heights (Chicago Tribune)
· 43. Motorcyclist killed after being struck by pickup truck in Harvey (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 44. Valparaiso police investigate armed bank robbery (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 45. Valparaiso-based Bulk Mail Services profiled in book The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 46. Uncertainty surrounds future of Aéropostale store at Hobart's Southlake Mall (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 47. Munster High graduate Joe Mansueto to step down as CEO of Morningstar investment firm in January (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 48. LaPorte man charged with strangling, beating teen who allegedly provided illegal drugs to his daughter (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 49. Fire at Gary apartment building forces evacuation of 24 units (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 50. Lowell man charged with attempted armed robbery after trying to mug acquaintance (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 51. Lowell woman accused of attempted murder for shooting her husband during domestic spat (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 52. State law bans future county board members statewide from getting public pensions; stemmed from controversy in McHenry County (Chicago Tribune)
· 53. PBS's smash hit 'Nature Cat' the creation of Highland Park brothers (Chicago Tribune)
· 54. Driver critically injured after his SUV crosses center line, crashes into oncoming tow truck on Fairfield Road near Wauconda (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 55. Philly G's restaurant in Vernon Hills closes (Daily Herald)
· 56. Gurnee gas station robbed at gunpoint (CBS 2)
· 57. Live-in caregivers accused of defrauding elderly Highland Park man of more than $184,000 (Chicago Tribune/Highland Park News)
· 58. Bittersweet Golf Course employee hospitalized after high winds cause controlled burn to flare up (Daily Herald)
· 59. Island Lake raises fine on boats without village stickers to $50 (Daily Herald)
· 60. Motorcyclist injured in hit-and-run in Lake in the Hills (Daily Herald)
· 61. Progress on Arlington Downs mixed-use development coming slower than Arlington Heights officials expected (Daily Herald)
· 62. O'Hare workers file 80 complaints alleging wage theft against city of Chicago, state of Illinois, various contractors as unionizing push moves ahead (Chicago Tribune)
· 63. Wheeling teen facing multiple charges after breaking into ex-girlfriend's home in Mount Prospect, choking her, threatening another man with a knife (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 64. South Elgin resident plans to fight $50 ticket for flying drone over public park; village intends to report him to the FAA (Daily Herald)
· 65. Portage resident raises concerns about city's lack of dog-impound facilities (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 66. Villa Park police investigate reported home invasion (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 67. St. Charles City Council agrees to pay $526,500 to the Greater St. Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau to help attract visitors, money (Daily Herald)
· 68. Naperville recognizes gold-medal Olympic swimmer Kevin Cordes (Daily Herald)
· 69. Aurora man sentenced to 28 years in prison for attempted murder of suspected gang member (CBS 2)
· 70. Countryside-based Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant to open near downtown Oak Park (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 71. Joliet man sentenced to 60 years in prison for shooting a man to death at a Joliet diner (CBS 2)
· 72. Man charged with stabbing another man during domestic dispute in Plainfield (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 73. White Dyer man charged with hate crime for allegedly using racial slurs, firing his gun in incident with intoxicated black man in Flossmoor (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 74. Ex-Harvey comptroller found dead in southern Indiana as his connection to shady development deal persists (Chicago Tribune)
· 75. Woman dead, child injured as result of Gary house fire (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 76. Man handcuffed, shot in the leg during home invasion disrupted by the return of his girlfriend, four children near Kouts (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 77. Crown Lake Board of Public Works and Safety approves contracts, agreements for work on 109th Avenue (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 78. East Chicago man charged with burglarizing neighboring ice-cream shop (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 79. Lake County Board rolls back requests for pay, other raises for elected officials, voting instead to increase salaries for E-911 dispatchers, county police and jail officers (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 80. Man, woman arrested after using counterfeit $100 bills in separate incidents in Chesterton, Portage (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 81. Whiting police seek armed men who robbed bar on Aug. 31 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 82. Elgin, Old Mill Creek, Wauconda residents selected as judges for this year's Westminster Kennel Club show (Daily Herald)
· 83. Law clerk fired for posing as judge at Markham courthouse now has challenger in race to get elected judge (FOX 32)
· 84. Deerfield-based Walgreens Boots Alliance may have to give up more than 500 stores in order to acquire Rite Aid in order to avoid antitrust issues (FOX 32)
· 85. Thunderstorms leave path of destruction, power outages in Fox Lake (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 86. Truck carrying scrap steel beams tips over, rattling people and businesses near Waukegan (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 87. Palatine man arrested for running meth lab at Grayslake hotel pleads guilty to lesser charge (Daily Herald)
· 88. Pedestrian struck and killed by Metra train in Northbrook (Chicago Tribune/Northbrook Star)
· 89. Beach Park man with outstanding warrant, Kenosha woman with drugs arrested after crashing car into a Waukegan house (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 90. Man shot in Evanston following report of burglary; victim not cooperating with police (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 91. Lake Zurich trustee alleges change to village's development-review process reduces transparency (Daily Herald)
· 92. Real-estate firm places Glencoe as third-most expensive suburb of America's biggest cities (NBC 5)
· 93. Firefighter injured while battling fire in abandoned Elgin warehouse (ABC 7)
· 94. One of the men convicted in Brown's Chicken massacre in Palatine trying to get new trial, claiming one witness implicated him for reward money (WGN TV)
· 95. Dooley's Irish Ale House in West Dundee closes (Daily Herald)
· 96. U.S. Bank forecloses on AT&T's former headquarters campus in Hoffman Estates (Daily Herald)
· 97. Des Plaines has plan to renovate, reopen shuttered Des Plaines Theatre with help from Rivers Casino and concert promoter Ron Onesti (Daily Herald)
· 98. Palatine man acquitted of shooting 15-year-old former friend, ex-friend's father in 2014 (Chicago Tribune)
· 99. Computer-store employee shot, killed would-be robber in Carpentersville (Chicago Tribune/Elgin Courier-News)
· 100. Palatine women who portrayed Wrigley Doublemint Twins in 1980s/1990s commercials to appear on Oprah's 'Where Are They Now?' show (Chicago Tribune)
· 101. Rolling Meadows second-grader left at gas station after she boarded the wrong bus (WGN TV)
· 102. Parents angry that Indian Prairie Unit School District 204 in Naperville doesn't have air-conditioning in most of its elementary schools (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 103. Aurora renews liquor license for Latin American Club, where a man was shot to death on Aug. 1 (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 104. Sponsor withdraws proposal for Elk Grove Township library district (Daily Herald)
· 105. Fast-casual chicken restaurant PDQ to open first Midwest location in former Wheaton IHOP (Daily Herald)
· 106. Chicago coffee roaster Sparrow Coffee to open café in Naperville (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 107. Chicago man charged with sexually assaulting teenage boy at Cermak Woods pool in Lyons (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 108. Joliet-based tax preparer sentenced to 42 months in prison for defrauding state of Illinois of more than $400,000 (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 109. Teacher at Eisenhower High School in Blue Island disciplined for trying to force student to stand for Pledge of Allegiance (WBBM AM 780)
· 110. Armed gunman robs Frankfort gas station (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 111. Valparaiso High School to use Breathalyzer test on students attending football games to make sure they haven't been drinking (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
· 112. St. John native appears on Logo TV's 'Finding Prince Charming' (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 113. St. John VFW Post 717 to host Sept. 16 fundraiser to help police department raise money for dashboard cameras (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 114. Suspect in Hammond bank robbery at large, listed as armed and dangerous (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 115. Third suspect in kidnapping of University of Rochester students from Aurora and Northbrook pleads guilty for her part in the plot (Chicago Tribune)
· 116. Glenview man charged in Aug. 26 hit-and-run crash in Morton Grove that killed Chicago woman after police were accused of lying about his arrest and he was cleared of marijuana charge (Chicago Tribune)
· 117. Waukegan Park District to acquire Phil's Beach, which appeared in 'The Blue Brothers' and reopen it to the public (Daily Herald)
· 118. 22-year-old Waukegan man jailed after police catch him having sex with 15-year-old girlfriend in back seat of a car (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
· 119. Ingleside man sentenced to 22 years in prison for 2014 vehicular rampage across central Lake County (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 120. Skokie police investigate attack on owner, secretary of business by armed intruders; owner's house keys were stolen and home ransacked (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 121. Vacant gas station property turned into newest park in Grayslake after private foundation provides funding (Daily Herald)
· 122. State of Illinois reaches agreement to house state's most-mentally-ill inmates at Elgin Mental Health Center (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 123. Water-main break uproots tree, causing it to fall onto westbound lanes of Biesterfield Road in Elk Grove Village (Daily Herald)
· 124. Work set to begin on bike trail between Winfield Mounds and West DuPage Woods forest preserves (Daily Herald)
· 125. Mondelez International moving Enjoy Life Foods from Schiller Park to southern Indiana (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 126. Oak Lawn veteran using American rose to honor families of fallen soldiers (CBS 2)
· 127. Donors to Markham mayor's campaign give more than $1 million; city has rewarded those donors with city contracts worth $72 million (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 128. Mokena man charged in two hit-and-run accidents, one involving a pedestrian on 193rd Street in Mokena and one with another vehicle on I-80 near Joliet (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 129. Kankakee Area Metropolitan Enforcement Group destroys 812 cannabis plants found in wooded area near Beecher (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 130. Veterans share stories of frustration, heartbreak and financial ruin with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs at Portage forum (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
· 131. Expansion of Neighbors' Educational Opportunities (NEO) will mean more room for adult education (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 132. Hobart gets behind study of 73rd Avenue exit off I-65 in Merrillville (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 133. LaPorte County woman killed after pickup she was driving got stuck on tracks and was struck by a freight train in LaPorte (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 134. Michigan City establishes $150 fee for public to obtain copies of police videos (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 135. Democratic nominee for Cook County State's Attorney takes on consulting job with law firm that has sued Cook County and contributed $18,500 to her campaign (Chicago Tribune)
· 136. Highland Park High graduates' anti-Trump book gets them fired from Recreational Vehicle Industry Association, fires up their Kickstarter (Chicago Tribune/Highland Park News)
· 137. Lake County reports first case of West Nile virus in humans in 2016 (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 138. Evanston alderman raises concerns about how police enforce bicycle-light requirement (WBBM AM 780)
· 139. Police Taser, arrest Vernon Hills man armed with a knife at Stevenson High School football stadium during game (ABC 7)
· 140. Airplane-noise complaints at O'Hare International Airport rise 80 percent during first month of new nighttime flight plan (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 141. Elgin Community College, City of Elgin start off Hispanic Heritage Month with breakfast (Daily Herald)
· 142. Village of Bartlett celebrates 125th anniversary of founding (Daily Herald)
· 143. Parents reaction mixed on St. Charles schools' bathroom 'passport' that limits visits to the washroom to three times per quarter (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 144. Suspect in Hillside carjacking dead after jumping from Harlem Avenue overpass onto Eisenhower Expressway (Chicago Tribune)
· 145. Naperville OKs sale of alcohol at two hair salons, but they must meet a list of requirements set out by the city (Daily Herald)
· 146. Four Detroit men arrested after foiled smash-and-grab robbery at Orland Park jewelry store (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 147. Police search for suspect in Palos Hills sexual assault (CBS 2)
· 148. Channahon woman critically injured after being struck by a vehicle after getting off a party bus stopped in heavy traffic in Matteson (CBS 2)
· 149. Three people injured in head-on crash on 159th Street in Orland Park (CBS 2)
· 150. OPINION: Voters will have chance to change things at Lincoln-Way High School District 210 in April election (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 151. Indiana man charged with kidnapping, sexual assault of woman who advertised sex for sale on website; incident occurred in Calumet City (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 152. Lake County Fairgrounds to play host to 12th annual Hospice Hustle charity cycling event on Sunday, Sept. 18 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 153. Crash on I-94 near Lake Station's Ripley Street exit ties up traffic (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 154. Hobart landmark restaurant Bright Spot closes (Chicago Tribune/Gary Post-Tribune)
· 155. Painful memories awakened now that man convicted of 1990 abduction/rape/murder is set to be released (Northwest Indiana Times)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (1/31/16)

Two joggers hit, injured by classic car in Porter County (Chicago Sun-Times)
Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie in Will County seeing more visitors since arrival of bison (Chicago Sun-Times)
Ballot issues in Lake County to include sales tax, fire service in Fox Lake, Green Oaks roads, appointed-vs-elected clerk in Mundelein (Daily Herald)
Wauconda reduces catch limits on bluegills, sunfish, perch in Bangs Lake (Daily Herald)
One person killed, four hospitalized after crash on LaGrange Road in Palos Park (CBS 2)
100 people estimated to have been part of fatal brawl outside Aurora restaurant (NBC 5)
Students return to Griffith, Ind., after charter bus was stuck in snowstorm in Pennsylvania (WBBM AM 780)
Indiana DNR, Valparaiso police remove coyote from Kohl's entryway (CBS 2)
Cook County sheriff blames Gov. Rauner for reduced funding for social-service programs (WBBM AM 780)
Gary man charged with six counts of criminal recklessness after firing gun inside house with children present (CBS 2)
City of Gary seeking more federal funds to demolish 200 vacant and/or blighted buildings (ABC 7)
18-year-old woman found fatally death in Lansing apartment she shared with boyfriend (ABC 7)
Lansing man charged with possession of endangered animal after 6-foot, 200-pound alligator removed from his house (ABC 7)
Wisconsin man sentenced to two years in prison for crash that killed Illinois State Trooper in 2013 (FOX 32)
Volo Auto Museum puts on display of snowmobiling history (Daily Herald)
Gas leak forces temporary closure of Des Plaines Jewel-Osco (Daily Herald)
Fire caused by electric meters forces 18 families out of Schaumburg condominiums (Daily Herald)
Lutheran Services of Illinois to cut 750 positions, shut down 30 programs because of state budget impasse (Chicago Tribune)
Skokie police discover Chicago cop had outfitted his personal car with police equipment; cop reassigned to desk duty (Chicago Tribune)
Worker with outgoing personality at McDonald's drive-through in Wheaton catches Facebook mom's group's, corporate's eye (Daily Herald)
Gurnee turns to crowdsourcing site for new logo, chooses Indonsian's design (Daily Herald)
Buffalo Grove considers tougher restrictions on use of vaping equipment, e-cigarettes (Daily Herald)
Two cases of whooping cough reported at Evanston preschool (NBC 5)
Man shot during armed-robbery-gone-wrong in Waukegan (Chicago Sun-Times)
Cook Memorial Public Library District considering expansion at Vernon Hills branch (Daily Herald)
Government Finance Officers Association recognizes Mount Prospect for 2014 financial report (Daily Herald)
Algonquin-based Community Unit District 300 aims to have digital devices for every student by 2020 (Daily Herald)
Centegra care facility to anchor new West Dundee shopping center (Daily Herald)
Brother turns in suspect who robbed Schererville bank (CBS 2)
Friend keeping up search for Bolingbrook girl who disappeared 20 years ago (WBBM AM 780)
Calumet City pawn-shop owner shoots, wounds would-be robber (ABC 7)
Teacher struck by classic car in Porter County dies (WGN TV)
Richton Park police seek suspect in cell-phone store robbery (WGN TV)
Chicago landlord buys Glen Ellyn apartment complex for $32 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
Plane to pick up organ donor slides off runway at Wheeling airport (Chicago Tribune)
Document: Indiana lost at least $60 million in revenues after passing religious-objections law (Chicago Tribune)
Oakton Community College honors former leader with status as president emerita (Daily Herald)
Rosemont eyeing parking lot at MB Financial Park as site for future building (Daily Herald)
Gasoline from Barrington station leaks into village's sanitary sewer (Daily Herald)
Palatine restaurant shuttered indefinitely following fire (Daily Herald)
Waukegan native's YouTube videos led to his opening for comedian George Carlin (Daily Herald)
Task force to present study to Glen Ellyn Elementary School District 41 on how to eliminate portable classrooms at junior high (Daily Herald)
Tilted Kilt franchisees suing Rolling Meadows-based developer, claiming it misrepresented financial performance (NBC 5)
Chicago police find car of 18-year-old woman murdered in Lansing (NBC 5)
Price Is Right to conduct contestant search at Majestic Star Casino in Gary on Feb. 21 (CBS 2)
Stone Park's home-rule status trumps state law in religious order's lawsuit against strip club, for now (NBC 5)
Binny's Beverage Depot joins grocery-delivery app to bring alcohol to you within the hour (FOX 32)
Security guard at Gary phone store seriously wounded in shooting (Chicago Sun-Times)
St. Charles considering cancelling electronics recycling dropoff contract with Kane County (Daily Herald)
Bar near Lake Bluff loses liquor license in wake of December shooting, other violations cited (Daily Herald)
New Fox Lake police chief sworn in (Daily Herald)
Calumet Photo closes last three stores (Crain's Chicago Business)
Columbus, Ohio-based Huntingdon National Bank buys FirstMerit Corp. (Crain's Chicago Business)
Naperville Crime Stoppers offering reward for information leading to arrest in arson case (Chicago Sun-Times)
Aurora singer roasted on 'The Tonight Show's' 'Do Not Listen' segment (Chicago Sun-Times)
Magazine: Wheaton College debate over Islam-Christian connection 'threatens to undo' institution (Daily Herald/The Washington Post)
Huntley police report two women trying to lure girl into their car (Daily Herald)
Morton Arboretum removing hundreds of non-native trees, shrubs from property (Daily Herald)
Wheeling accuses business annexed into village in 1988 of violating zoning code (Daily Herald)
Indian Prairie Unit School District 204 proposes redrawing elementary school boundaries (Daily Herald)
Batavia School District 101 board chooses artificial turf to replace football field at high school, will replace track also (Daily Herald)
West Chicago woman ordered to repay $44,085 she misappropriated from blood-cancer charity (Chicago Sun-Times)
Trustee's resignation from Glen Ellyn Park Board leaves vacancy to be filled (Daily Herald)
Founder of Woodfield Area Children's Organization passes away (Daily Herald)
Schaumburg settles 11th lawsuit over undercover cops charged with conspiracy in drug cases (Daily Herald)
FTC sues DeVry University, alleges misrepresentation about students' job prospects, income (Crain's Chicago Business)
Berwyn South School District 100 considers closing two school to help get it out of debt (WBBM AM 780)
Melrose Park man convicted of stealing 1,868 cases of beer from McHenry warehouse (NBC 5)
South Holland police catch, arrest five people who committed armed robberies, other crimes in Chicago, Gary (NBC 5)
One person dead in afternoon crash that closed Harlem Avenue in Stickney (ABC 7)
$400,000 renovations to West Chicago Public Library include improved wireless Internet access, new furniture, new study room (Daily Herald)
Elk Grove Township Elementary District 59 eliminates $35-$65 instructional fee (Daily Herald)
Committee recommends pushing back Barrington High School start time to 9 a.m.; elementary schools' start to remain at 8 a.m. (Daily Herald)
Wheaton man participates in 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin's 'Broken Skull Challenge' (Daily Herald)
State representative to host Lake County economic-development forum on Feb. 24 in Grayslake (Daily Herald)
Eight-bedroom Evanston mansion designed by Mayo & Mayo on market for $3.3 million (Crain's Chicago Business)
Wisconsin man found guilty of posting threats on Facebook against North Central College in Naperville (Chicago Sun-Times)
Vehicle fire closes lanes on northbound Tri-State Tollway near Mount Prospect (Chicago Sun-Times)
Lincoln-Way District 210 board president resigns, claiming personal attacks motivated decision (Joliet Herald-News)
Elgin renews contract for diversity consultant (Daily Herald)
Man arrested for breaking into buildings in Wadsworth (Daily Herald)
Elgin public services director: There will be road projects everywhere in 2016 (Daily Herald)
Elk Grove Village abandons 'outdated' pet-tag program (Daily Herald)
Woodstock space center honors 30th anniversary of Challenger explosion (WBBM AM 780)
Substitute teacher charged with inappropriately touching 10-year-old student at La Grange school (NBC 5)
FBI employee from Crown Point charged with rape, suspended from job (CBS 2)
Cook County Jail sued over Norridge woman's suicide; father says officers failed to take into account mental health, heroin withdrawal (CBS 2)
Wonder Lake man held on $750,000 bond in 16 counts of child-sex assault, abuse (CBS 2)
Cicero man arrested in Oak Park charged with last year's robbery of Elmwood Park gas station (CBS 2)
Allegations of child-sex abuse made against Hammond Catholic school (ABC 7)
Geneva police conducting death investigation; man's body found six hours after well-being check conducted (ABC 7)
Car crashes into Merrillville house shortly after woman, granddaughter had left living room where car came to rest (WGN TV)
Teen, two men charged for armed robberies in Waukegan (Chicago Sun-Times)
Horses at Bartlett farm quarantined after testing positive for EHV-1 (Daily Herald)
West Dundee entrepreneurs to open world's first 'hoverboard' park (Daily Herald)
Addison man sentenced to 12 years in jail for heroin trafficking (Chicago Sun-Times)
Rolling Meadows police chief, deputy chief to retire later this year (Daily Herald)
ComEd to bring 'smart meters' to Libertyville (Daily Herald)
Mundelein businesses give money to buy body armor for police dog (Daily Herald)
Former Illinois Senate President Phil Rock, of Oak Park, passes away (CBS 2)
Brookfield man killed in car had just testified in a criminal court case (ABC 7)
Man shot on Bishop Ford Expressway near Blue Island (Chicago Tribune)
River Forest girl wins 'MasterChef Junior' (Chicago Tribune)
$1.3 billion deal reached on last new runway in O'Hare Modernization Project (Chicago Sun-Times)
Owner of St. Charles' Arcada Theatre found to have violated deceptive practices law by not paying former manager for now-closed dinner club (Daily Herald)
Romeoville man arrested on charges of juvenile prostitution (Daily Herald)
Two men arrested for burglary also charged for possession of stolen vehicle in Skokie (CBS 2)
Man claims ATM at Maywood bank took $800 cash, produced receipt saying it couldn't count the money (CBS 2)
Two Lake County Circuit Clerk's Office employees charged with official misconduct for changing records, reportedly dating back to 2010 (FOX 32)
Two Stevenson High School students facing charges after police find stun gun, knife following fight (Daily Herald)
Longtime Warren Township High School track coach to be inducted into Lake County High Schools Sports Hall of Fame (Daily Herald)
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illinois casino reopening date video

“Casino folks are obviously eager to make money, so they are also eager to figure out a way to make people feel safe, and to also keep their 5,000 employees safe,” Quig said during her NPR interview. As of May 19, Illinois had a statewide total of 96,485 cases of COVID-19 and 4,234 deaths. The governor of Illinois has expressed optimism that the state might soon move out of Tier 3 lockdown, which means the casinos in the state are likely to be allowed to once again open their doors.. Governor J.B. Pritzker said Illinois’ 11 regions might begin easing restrictions on 15 January, as long as the metrics support it. Casino employees prepare a game of craps at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on June 4, 2020. Illinois casinos may be able to reopen under similar conditions later this month. hopeful that the state’s casino doors will reopen on June 26. While the Illinois Gaming Board has issued reopening guidelines for casino operators to adhere to, it hasn’t set a date yet as to when activities can resume. The board is expected to hold its first meeting in four months on June 11. Putting safety measures in place Illinois was the last of these, but has begun its reopening process. On Friday, January 15 , state Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced that Regions 1, 2 and 5 could return to Tier 2 protocols. For casinos, this means operating at 25% capacity, respecting an 11 PM curfew and following all the same regulations as bars and restaurants. It’s estimated the earliest Illinois casinos could reopen would be at the end of the month when Illinois enters Phase 4 of the governor’s coronavirus reopening plan. The gaming board already ... Illinois Casinos Eyeing Possible January 15 Reopening. All 11 regions can stop Tier 3 restrictions on January 15, subject to COVID-19-related metrics; Announcement comes as Illinois emerged from Thanksgiving without a rise in virus cases; If casinos go back to Tier 2, they will still have to shut at 11pm and operate at 25% capacity Additionally, any resumption of video gaming or casino gaming will resume within the framework of the Restore Illinois plan. Under that plan, the earliest gaming could resume is Phase 4.” The Illinois Gaming Board hinted that many gambling locations would be back in business by June 26. That is the date the state is expected to move into Phase 4. CHICAGO (WMBD) — The Illinois Gaming Board met Thursday morning for the first time since Jan. 31, speaking on licensing renewals, safety guidelines, and possible reopenings. During the meeting ... Jan. 21, 2021 Hollywood Casino Joliet and Harrah’s Joliet will reopen their doors on Friday morning, per their respective Facebook pages.. That makes eight of Illinois’ 10 casinos that have reopened.Argosy Casino Alton and DraftKings at Casino Queen remain closed, however.. That’s because Region 4 is currently in the worst shape of any Illinois healthcare region.

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